How to Win Your Ex Boyfriend Back (for Teen Girls)

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One of the biggest things in most teen girls' lives is boys. If you are missing your ex, read this article to win him back!


  1. First of all, try to think why you broke up. Maybe you're too clingy? Maybe you're demanding? You should have a talk with him and discuss these problems. If you did something bad, just apologize, it will help the friendship. Also try to think why you want him back.
  2. Keep a couple of days just to yourself. And for him too, you don't want him thinking that you are really desperate. So... Just pamper yourself so that by the time of your next confrontation you'll look stunning. When it comes to the time to confront your ex-boyfriend about the whole mis happening, don't beg and plead for him to take you back. Give him subtle hints about memories that you two shared together. This shows him that you're still thinking about him.
  3. Don't manipulate. When it comes to that time to lay out the big guns don't make him uncomfortable. When he's with you he wants to have fun so don't lay out the serious talk just yet. Save it because you'll have plenty of time later to have those talks.
  4. Rise above any vices you might be tempted to slide into. By the time you reach this step you should be pretty close to getting your boy back. But if he has moved on to another girl don't try and pick fights with that girl or sleep with him behind her back.
  5. Play hard to get, don't act as if you care what he does, or who he's with. 'Kill him with kindness' and don't worry about the new girl - she's probably just a rebound. He'll eventually realize what he had. If he looks at you while he's with her, smile, and if he still talks about you, live it;
  6. If he has been ignoring you since the day that he has dumped you just act like you care at first. Write him a couple of sad notes. Have you friends and family that he likes talk to him about you too see what he has to say. If he says he's over you than act like your over him. Dress more attractive, hang out where he does, put things on your facebook etc. that you know he will read. Be irresistible so his mouth will drop every time he see's you.
  7. When you're around him and his friends talk more to his friends rather than talking to him so that he develops some jealousy and knows that you're not drooling over him anymore. Which means that he will want you back even more.
  8. Dont act or dress any differently. If he really wants to get back with you you only need to change what you were doing wrong. such as if you were being to clingy back of a little bit. Dont make the classic mistake of telling him you've changed show him.



  • Think about whether you really want him back or if you are somehow deluding yourself because he seems untouchable.
  • If you decide that the relationship is worth saving, you must put in effort to win him back.
  • Dressing in your comfort zone may result into your ex thinking that you're secure and relaxed so he will feel at ease around you.
  • Don't pressure him. Don't constantly talk about getting back together and memories. That will just make him want to get rid of you
  • Think about what made you fall in love with him and why you want him back and don't beg him to take you back.
  • If he's mad at you for your personality then try to be nicer and kinder, but don't change you're entire personality
  • If he is happier with his new girlfriend, and nothing works, become happier with someone else, this will show you are strong and can move forward. Don't sit there and think of memories from the past, this is just throwing dirt on yourself.
  • If you really do have genuine feeling for this boy, then maybe you should just get it off your back and tell him. Maybe he has been waiting for you to say that.It may be hard, but it will be worth it.
  • You should know if you actually want him back. Do you think about him all the time? Is he worth it? Like me, you might be constantly thinking about him and the feeling can get you down. I have tried talking to friends and family and they say he's not worth it but i have different feelings. He has said he wants to be just friends with me but i will try and work on it. Don't let other people tell you what to do about the situation by them saying he's not worth it because you should follow your own heart and if you love him, try and win him back. good luck :) xx


  • Do not beg him to come back to you. This will kill attraction and drive him further away.
  • Realize that he may not want you back and accept this as a possibility, remember that he may still have feelings for you.
  • Sometimes, he's just not worth it. You have to let go, and realize that there are other guys out there who might be 3x better than he was.
  • Do not come up with "behind his back" plots; that will just drive him, and other people, to think you are rude and immature.
  • If he wont take you back at all remain friends. This opens the possibility of nurturing that affection you have until later.

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